Monday, March 31, 2014

Class Reflection 3/31

Today in class we first posted the link to our web quest website from digication onto blackboard. Then we started to talk about our final project of making a movie on a chosen topic with group members. We watched an example an instructional video on a  concept video, procedure, or attitude video. The first video we watched was on fire safety, then we watched a video on bullying and how it effects students. After watching both videos as a class we began to discuss the pros and cons of both videos. We started to critique each video and my fellow classmates shared several suggestions on how to make the video much better. After that we broke up into groups and we started discussing a topic and the audience for our topic. My group decided to pick a topic on helping students in K-2 with proper manners and social skills. The challenging part is finding a way to connect proper manners to an educational subject. We decided that we have to do some research first and that we would show the bad examples of how students behave and then pause each scene too rectify the situation being presented.

Chapter 7 Reflection


When it comes to educating our youth one always has to reinvent their selves when implementing technology inside of the classroom. This chapter focused on many different soft wares that educators can use to enhance learning inside of the classroom. The first thing that came to mind was will I ever grant my students the opportunity to explore the computer. The term coding came to mind when I was reading the section on building, inventing, and creating software. In society today I feel like female students are as interested in coding and building programs on the computers like male students currently do. The real question is are the students using the computer to build programs that will help them learn or are they creating programs that are not useful. After reading about the various ways we can use programs like google earth, kid pix, and Microsoft office, I began to think of how I can dig deeper and create lesson plans that allow students to problem solve and discover a list of questions that they have on a particular topic.  When it comes to students playing video games based on educational topics I do agree that using the rubric for evaluating higher order thinking  would be beneficial inside of the classroom. Currently whenever students ask me to go on the computer to play mathematical games i automatically tell them to go cool math games that com where students are able to learn and have fun at the same time. As an educator what I have to do is draft up a list of video games students normally play online and use the Rubric for evaluating to see if students are meeting my expectations by playing these games. As a educator I would have to follow the steps of minimizing the use of games that teach isolated skills, discuss games and their content, scrutinize games that function on points won or lost, and actually play the games together with the students.

My Two Questions:

How do you designate a whole period in playing educational video games with your students without being questioned by school administration ?

How do we encourage more female students to learn about computer and coding on the computer?

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Chapter 4 & 6 Reflection

Hello Class,

After reading chapter 4 several things came to mind about technology being implemented into the classroom. The first thing that came to mind for how fun and engaging teachers can make their lesson now that students have access to many resources on the web. I started to think that very soon school districts will be removing textbooks from classroom and students will have access to  online text. "Some school districts are already shifting from paper to digital textbooks and online curriculum materials.In fall 2006, close to 50 percent of K-5 students in California began learning with "History/Social Science for California," a new series of instructional materials that combine printed text, digital materials, and active learning activities, all aligned to the state's history curriculum standards (Ascione,2006a)." This then brings up my argument of whether students from low income families will be able to access the textbooks online if they do not own a computer in their household. Although the benefits are teachers are able to provide students with access to virtual trips and create web related tasks for students to explore, while the tactile learners benefit if this process becomes mandatory for all school districts. I feel that a technology specialist needs to visit schools in every district and assess their classroom using the technology integration rubric, this will give community members an idea on what changes need to made to provide each individual with the same learning experience.

After reading chapter 6 several things came to mind which was how to utilize all the features that are available to you on the web. For example the bookmarks tab can be utilized with students who constantly search through different websites for information and forgot to save that website. The bookmark feature helps students save websites into different categories. The feature is very useful whenever you are gathering information for a research project. The chapter then spends a great deal of time explaining the effectiveness of the RSS feed which automatically updates you with any current news from a preferred source. For example since I currently like watching sports I can subscribe to the RSS news feed for which would keep me up to date whenever a story is reported without me even checking.  Virtual field trips are a huge bonus when surfing the Internet because in the wintertime it is difficult for teachers to book field trips due to the weather, virtual field trips provides you with a three dimensional experience as if you were present at the actual site. Also video conferencing is a tool utilized by a lot of schools to have conferences and debates about different topics. Students are able to connect with students like their selves from different parts of the world.

The two questions that I have is :

Will it become mandatory for all school districts to provide students with a device to access the online textbook feature at home?

Will virtual trips inspire school districts to actually think outside the box and approve requests of field trips outside of the country after viewing and critiquing the establishment online?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Class Reflection

Hello Class,

Today in class we first explored visual thesaurus, which is a website that assists visual learners with mastering vocabulary words. The website was very useful because it had images for each term that was typed into the search engine. The site also helps you make a connection with words in the same word family. This website also assists individuals with spelling and it maps out the verbs, adjectives, and nouns. This website is very useful for English language arts and word work inside of the classroom. The next website that we explored was lexipedia, which also gives you the nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, synonyms and antonyms. The website lexipedia is a great website for categorizing words and breaking down different parts of speech. In the future I would definitely use lexivideo. After that as a class we explored vocabulary dot com which quizzes individuals on the meaning of each term. As a class we had to read sentences and figure out the meanings of each word. This vocabulary website would be good for a exit slip inside of the classroom or a reflection point. After that as a class we explored virtual trips on the website plimoth. The virtual Trip was very useful because we were able to watch an actual video that gave us a tour of an actual site. Virtual field trips are create components for lessons that require students to explore different cultures. We spent a great deal of time typing different locations around the world on google maps and thinking about interactive lessons that we can create using the street view of google maps. We then watched a video about minecraft and had a interesting conversation with a mine craft player who answered several questions as we used the "TPACK" model.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Class Reflection

Hello Class,

Today was a very informative class session, we started by going over the digital divide and the effects it has had on society thus far. The new generation of students are the next group of innovators that will essentially impact society through various ways. I loved how we broke down the importance of Internet usage for our current population and looked at data to show the increase of how many of us have access to the Internet. We have come a long way from a dial up era now most low income households still have access to the Internet. I also loved how we analyzed digital citizenship and the effects it has on our students who are chasing their future goals. The digital citizenship website was a great tutorial and it allowed us to explore knowledge that we must know before allowing our students to explore the web.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Classroom Reflection 03/10/14

Hello Everyone,

In class today we spent a great deal of time examing the website wikipedia. We first brainstormed as a class why we use wikipedia, and some of my classmates  shared that they normally use wikipedia as a starting point whenever starting a research project. We all agreed that if we want quick facts on a particular topic we quickly search for the information on wikepedia. There were some of our classmates that stated that the reason they do not use wikipedia is because the authors of wikipedia are regular people like them. Wikipedia actually allows anyone to come to the website and either add information or delete information. There is a system in place that asks you how to provide where you got the information you are adding from. Although many people feel like there is no control over wikipedia, it actually has moderators who monitor what can be changed. There are some pages on wikipedia that does not allow any editing. There has been research done in the past that some of the information found on wikipedia does come from reliable sources and the content provided is legiminate for educational use. I also brought up the point that wikiedia is beneficial to students who have not mastered the english language yet, they can read in their native language. There is a community that focuses on improving wikipedia, and every memebr of that community plays a certain role to help the website grow.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Chapter 5 Refelction

Chapter 5 was a great read. WOW how amazing can a "Search" engine be? In the matter of seconds students can have millions of of catalog accessible to them without stepping foot into an actual public library. Growing up every time i was conducting a research project or my mind was inquiring about various things in society I would draft a to-do list of books I will need to find and people I would need to call to get the answers that I needed. Today our students have access to the internet and various  search engine databases that they are glued in front of the computer screen whenever they are looking for information. Our current educators are working towards being labeled as "IT fluency" and the overall goal is ti be "IT Fitness". This means that as educators we have to master the art of technology when it comes to using the proper credited websites to search for the information we need. Google alone has revolutionized the process of conducting an effective search online, there are thousands of results that appear after typing vital context clues into the search engine. The issue is are all the results factual or are they made up facts by human beings. As educators it is important to review the process of filtering out the bad websites and information on websites on wikipedia that is not true. our students have to understand that websites like wikipedia consist of research that is posted by any one. I myself can go on to wikipedia and change information the website has on a famous explorer. Therefore although technology has made many of lives easier by providing us access to the information that we need we must assess each result and find out where the information was derived from. The constructivist learning environment provides students with the ability to learn everything essentially on their own. To assist our students with the constructivist learning approach we must teach our students how to identify what the problem is, figure out related cases, information resources, cognitive tools, conversation and collaborative tools, and social/contextual support. Jonassen's work has allowed educators to assist students who follow his theory to learn in and outside of the classroom. As educators we must aide in the modeling,coaching,and scaffolding portion as our students learn. I believe that students who are passionate about learning will benefit from the constructivist learning environment inside of the classroom.

Two Questions:

Will plagiarism  continue to increase even though there are many laws and policies put in place online?

How will our students ever experience the adventure of finding a book at the local library if it is available online as an e-text?

Chapter 3 Reflection

As educators it is our duty to plan lessons so that we are prepared to teach our students throughout the school week. Chapter 2 made creating a lesson plan utilizing technology fun and very engaging for our students. There are many components of an actual lesson plan such as the learning objective, materials, methods and procedures, independent practice, and assessment. On a weekly basis teachers have grade meeting were they brain storm different ideas on how to effective plan around the common core standards. Chapter 2 showed me how to present the learning objective through visuals, project based, or even conduct a class wiki. As educators implementing technology each way of the lesson planning process helps the learner keep that information with them throughout their lifetime. As we know all of our students have many different learning styles, using the the understanding by design is very helpful to meeting these learning styles. Students have access to a lot of resources on the web as they search websites like google on a daily basis for answers. As educators as we are planning we must actually role play our procedure and check to see if the information is attainable and also easy for our students to comprehend. Educators have access to many credited professional organizations, for example the council for exceptional children is a great organization that groups up the special education community together working to provide a better learning experience for all students with disabilities. Educators tend to stress because every lesson plan must align with their state standards and students have to be assessed  through each unit. Chapter 2 outlined various ways to assess students through technology and how to grade and track their results. Students may be assessed through a online quiz where students log in to take a weekly quiz and a program generates all the questions and answers. Teachers should always use the results from online quizzes to analyze the questions that need review. It is one thing to give an assessment but providing feedback and making corrections is beneficial to each child's growth.

The two questions that came to mind are?

1. Will all educators eventually be required to plan all their lessons online?

2.Will their be a limit on how much Technology you can use to present each portion of the lesson plan during instruction ? (limit powerpoint, 3-D models, videos, audio)