Sunday, March 9, 2014

Chapter 5 Refelction

Chapter 5 was a great read. WOW how amazing can a "Search" engine be? In the matter of seconds students can have millions of of catalog accessible to them without stepping foot into an actual public library. Growing up every time i was conducting a research project or my mind was inquiring about various things in society I would draft a to-do list of books I will need to find and people I would need to call to get the answers that I needed. Today our students have access to the internet and various  search engine databases that they are glued in front of the computer screen whenever they are looking for information. Our current educators are working towards being labeled as "IT fluency" and the overall goal is ti be "IT Fitness". This means that as educators we have to master the art of technology when it comes to using the proper credited websites to search for the information we need. Google alone has revolutionized the process of conducting an effective search online, there are thousands of results that appear after typing vital context clues into the search engine. The issue is are all the results factual or are they made up facts by human beings. As educators it is important to review the process of filtering out the bad websites and information on websites on wikipedia that is not true. our students have to understand that websites like wikipedia consist of research that is posted by any one. I myself can go on to wikipedia and change information the website has on a famous explorer. Therefore although technology has made many of lives easier by providing us access to the information that we need we must assess each result and find out where the information was derived from. The constructivist learning environment provides students with the ability to learn everything essentially on their own. To assist our students with the constructivist learning approach we must teach our students how to identify what the problem is, figure out related cases, information resources, cognitive tools, conversation and collaborative tools, and social/contextual support. Jonassen's work has allowed educators to assist students who follow his theory to learn in and outside of the classroom. As educators we must aide in the modeling,coaching,and scaffolding portion as our students learn. I believe that students who are passionate about learning will benefit from the constructivist learning environment inside of the classroom.

Two Questions:

Will plagiarism  continue to increase even though there are many laws and policies put in place online?

How will our students ever experience the adventure of finding a book at the local library if it is available online as an e-text?

1 comment:

  1. Since you mentioned the websites like Wikipedia which are not always providing the accurate information that may mislead our students in the way finding the correct information they need, I highly agree with you that as educators we it is important to review the process of filtering out those websites and the unreliable information. Speaking of plagiarism, I'm having the same concern with you. I'm wondering how can educators effectively convince the students to end plagiarism.
