Monday, February 10, 2014

Classroom Reflection 2/10/14


WOW! Today was filled with new information in regards to technology. Instagram, Pintrest, twitter, facebook, how are teachers using this in education? Well today was definitely a eye opener for how I can use social media to design interactive lessons inside of the classroom. The new generation of students are constantly on these social media sites, so why not provide homework and other assignments through these applications. I was able to generate a lot of ideas that I can one day try in my own classroom such as classroom annoucements and educational links via Twitter. I also learned that students can complete a picture essay via instagram, for posting a series of events that occured throughout their perosnal stories. I learned that Pintrest is a great website for educators to share and collaborate on various projects. I was amazed by the facts of how many low income students use a actual cellphone and the amout of time they devote to the cellular device. I loved the video we watched about students completing different projects through iphoto,imovie, and garageband. Students were able to share their responses via video, slideshows, music, and recorded audio. I loved how students had the option to chose a project and share it with their classmates. I also learned about new sites like , , and

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