Sunday, March 9, 2014

Chapter 3 Reflection

As educators it is our duty to plan lessons so that we are prepared to teach our students throughout the school week. Chapter 2 made creating a lesson plan utilizing technology fun and very engaging for our students. There are many components of an actual lesson plan such as the learning objective, materials, methods and procedures, independent practice, and assessment. On a weekly basis teachers have grade meeting were they brain storm different ideas on how to effective plan around the common core standards. Chapter 2 showed me how to present the learning objective through visuals, project based, or even conduct a class wiki. As educators implementing technology each way of the lesson planning process helps the learner keep that information with them throughout their lifetime. As we know all of our students have many different learning styles, using the the understanding by design is very helpful to meeting these learning styles. Students have access to a lot of resources on the web as they search websites like google on a daily basis for answers. As educators as we are planning we must actually role play our procedure and check to see if the information is attainable and also easy for our students to comprehend. Educators have access to many credited professional organizations, for example the council for exceptional children is a great organization that groups up the special education community together working to provide a better learning experience for all students with disabilities. Educators tend to stress because every lesson plan must align with their state standards and students have to be assessed  through each unit. Chapter 2 outlined various ways to assess students through technology and how to grade and track their results. Students may be assessed through a online quiz where students log in to take a weekly quiz and a program generates all the questions and answers. Teachers should always use the results from online quizzes to analyze the questions that need review. It is one thing to give an assessment but providing feedback and making corrections is beneficial to each child's growth.

The two questions that came to mind are?

1. Will all educators eventually be required to plan all their lessons online?

2.Will their be a limit on how much Technology you can use to present each portion of the lesson plan during instruction ? (limit powerpoint, 3-D models, videos, audio)

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